
time to get serious

ok people, what's the deal with American coffee? why in god's name does it taste fruity??? Seriously, this is a problem. Coffee should be sliiiightly bitter, strong, and be able to stand up (at least!) to half-and-half. This is probably why Americans are less informed than, say, Italians about world events. For one, we aren't awoken, standing at the coffee bar by a nice macchiato. For two, we are left feeling unsatisfied by the fruityness and so become frustrated. then some people who are frustrated get violent, hence the world situation. And three, we don't congregate in the mornings at our favorite coffee bars and stand chatting with whomever else has just powered-up, so that many people don't even know their own neighbors. I think that Americans have a lot to gain by improving the state-side coffee situation.

♥ ♥ coffee for peace.♥ ♥

let's brainstorm - is it the beans? the grind? the execution of the espresso pull? it is the water? (perennial assumption) is it our dark and grimy hearts?

note: I think that as far as beans go, this guy r0cks.


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